
By participating in this game, you certify that you have have read and agree to the game rules, player waiver, and Terms and Conditions before playing.

Important Dates

Registration starts
Oct. 2, 2019 12:25 PM
Game starts
Oct. 8, 2019 8:15 PM
Game ends
Oct. 15, 2019 6:05 PM

Game Status



Total players
11 (7%)
141 (93%)

Average Kills per Hour


Survival by Dorm

Dorm Humans Alive
North Campus 4/22 (18.2%)
Off campus 2/18 (11.1%)
Burton-Judson Courts 2/23 (8.7%)
International House 3/40 (7.5%)
Max Palevsky 0/13 (0%)
Snell-Hitchcock 0/9 (0%)
South Campus 0/23 (0%)
Stony Island 0/2 (0%)
Vue53 0/2 (0%)

Human Survival

Most Courageous Dorms

Where courageousness = (total human points earned by dorm / # players in dorm) * 100

Dorm Courageousness
Off campus 277.8
International House 214.4
Burton-Judson Courts 162.0
North Campus 128.4
Snell-Hitchcock 100
South Campus 67.4
Max Palevsky 7.7
Stony Island 0
Vue53 0

Humans by Major

Kills by Location geotagged kills only

Most Infectious Dorms

Where infectivity = (total zombie points earned by dorm / # players in dorm) * 100

Dorm Infectivity
Off campus 369.4
Max Palevsky 288.5
International House 238.8
Snell-Hitchcock 205.6
Stony Island 200
Vue53 200
South Campus 132.6
Burton-Judson Courts 121.7
North Campus 59.1

Kills by Time of Day

Zombies by Major


Name # Alive # Players
Yuemans 1 of 7 7
Sophonisba Breckinridge Memorial Squad for the Promotion of the Correct Morality (killed in action) 0 of 9 9
Linn Mathews Presents: Untitled Goose Squad (killed in action) 0 of 9 9
The Mason Bernstein Memorial Squad 1 of 2 2
World War Wendt (killed in action) 0 of 6 6
Russian Standard (killed in action) 0 of 3 3
Unitarian Interpretation of Plato's Brains (killed in action) 0 of 5 5
V-House (killed in action) 0 of 5 5
DGH (killed in action) 0 of 7 7
Islanders (killed in action) 0 of 1 1
hi were grad students 1 of 5 5
Snitchsquad (killed in action) 0 of 5 5
Bigwood Liberation Army 3 of 17 17

Storm Area 51

Global Kill Tree