
By participating in this game, you certify that you have have read and agree to the game rules, player waiver, and Terms and Conditions before playing.

Important Dates

Registration starts
Sept. 27, 2022 6:00 AM
Game starts
Oct. 4, 2022 8:00 PM
Game ends
Oct. 11, 2022 6:00 PM

Game Status



Total players
38 (45%)
46 (55%)

Average Kills per Hour


Survival by Dorm

Dorm Humans Alive
South Campus 4/5 (80%)
Off campus 14/22 (63.6%)
Snell-Hitchcock 6/10 (60%)
Max Palevsky 3/6 (50%)
International House 5/15 (33.3%)
North Campus 4/14 (28.6%)
Woodlawn Residential Commons 2/8 (25%)
Burton-Judson Courts 0/3 (0%)

Human Survival

Most Courageous Dorms

Where courageousness = (total human points earned by dorm / # players in dorm) * 100

Dorm Courageousness
Off campus 489.9
Snell-Hitchcock 348.2
International House 281.1
Burton-Judson Courts 277.7
Woodlawn Residential Commons 127.1
Max Palevsky 55.5
North Campus 29.8
South Campus 0

Humans by Major

Kills by Location geotagged kills only

Most Infectious Dorms

Where infectivity = (total zombie points earned by dorm / # players in dorm) * 100

Dorm Infectivity
Off campus 304.5
Snell-Hitchcock 90
Burton-Judson Courts 66.7
Woodlawn Residential Commons 62.5
International House 53.3
North Campus 35.7
Max Palevsky 0
South Campus 0

Kills by Time of Day

Zombies by Major


Name # Alive # Players
DoomSquad (killed in action) 0 of 1 1
Pea Shooters 2 of 2 2
the tomatoes 5 of 9 9
Tomatoes 1 of 2 2
Chris does not suck 1 of 1 1
Christdoesnotsuck 1 of 1 1
the humans 1 of 3 3
Boothbitches 1 of 4 4
Fremen 3 of 3 3
Breckfast Club (killed in action) 0 of 1 1
The Boys (killed in action) 0 of 3 3
Respectalicious Buddy 1 of 1 1

OCTOBER 3rd, 1882

I write to you with an urgent request: send four or five empty mail coaches with the October 11th delivery.

Strange things have been happening in these black hills. Miners keep coming back from the tunnels sick. Doc Curtis says it can’t be syphilis like last year because the disease sets in too fast—even stranger, one of the miners miraculously recovered from the edge of death’s door as a screeching, clawing madman. They smashed Doc plain through the wall and chewed their way out of a steel-reinforced straightjacket to vanish into the night. I know that they…it…can’t possibly still be alive, but damn if it don’t stick in the back of my brain like a wagon wheel in a gopher hole. I plan to deputize and arm the entire settlement of Hyde Park tomorrow night, just to be safe. Many of the families fresh from out East are getting jittery, and I can’t blame them—I’ve been out in these hills since before Lincoln made the papers, and honestly, the looks of all these sick miners have been getting me a bit jittery too. Please, Walt, I know it’s an extra cost, but you fellows at the post office have known me and what kind of a man I am for 35 years now. I wouldn’t ask for this if the whole town didn’t need it. It’s getting bad out here. We need to get out.

Please believe me Walt.

- Sheriff Klowden

Global Kill Tree