Nina Acevedo
Liam Puknys [Yuen House!]
Time of Death
Feb. 23, 2018 4:06 PM

Kill Notes

I leave class in the BSLC and find that fortune had placed a human directly in front of me. He turns, but does not run. The third floor has plenty of space to wait. He stalls, staring at the fish tank. I call the elevator, pretending to leave. Instead of down, I go up. I wait, looking down at him, watching, waiting. Thinking I had left to ambush from the outside, he heads down the stairs. I take the elevator, peering out from just above, fearing I had lost him. From the lobby he looks outside, waiting for the coast to clear. I hide behind a wall. The door opens, and I follow. I tap him on the shoulder, causing a sock to fly out a moment too late. The undead have won once again.

Kill Location