Maria Llanos
Victor Wang
Time of Death
Oct. 8, 2014 11:36 AM

Kill Notes

Oh, Victor. Lovely, lovely Victor. Victor decided to play this game as a pacifist. He recognizes the humanity of the zeds and was intrigued by us. Playing as a pacifist in general was a risky move, considering he lives in an unsafe apartment building with two willingly turned zeds. Realizing the futility of his struggle for humanity, Victor informed me of the location and hours of the class he was in, ending with a request to meet him there. While waiting for him, fellow zeds accumulated around me, sensing an impending death. Victor, wishing to die more valiantly, moved the location to Hutch courtyard, where we engaged in a lovely chase, ending only when the two of us were insanely out of breath. This great experience ended in a great hug.

Kill Location