Mission Attendance

Mission Description

Located in Main Quad, there is a key to open a box that the humans will have. The key will be marked by a moderator. The human’s goal is to bring their box to this key, open, and return its contents back to Harper. Their will be a safe zone around the box marked by cones. Once the Humans reach the box, they meust wait ZZZ minutes, before exiting the circle. The Mission timer will be XXX Minutes, the zombie respawn will be YYY Minutes. If the Humans cannot retrieve the boxes contents in XXX minutes, they will have failed the mission. It is the Zombies job to guard the key and dissuade any attempts at Human retrieval. What are the contents of the box? Humans must place their blasters in a box and blasters may not be used until retrieved during mission. Yup. We will provide socks to humans instead. If any humans are unable to retrieve their blaster, a mod will bring back the box at the end of the mission. Upon Human Victory: 5 Minute Safe Zone (starting upon mission end) Upon Zombie Victory: Safe Passage back to Harper for the Humans. Victory Awards: The side that wins this mission will receive the basic briefing for Friday’s mission a few hours before the mission so they may plan.

Thursday Human Mission Participation Points Received
Benjamin Guthrie [BRECK'S NOT DEAD] 1.0
Catherine Bevil [Crown House Blood House] 1.0
Charlotte Ring 1.0
Dylan Harris [Secretly Not Aramark] 1.0
Elizabeth Franson 1.0
Nicholas Howlett [R U a Doberman?] 1.0
Jamie Keener [Maylitia] 1.0
Jacob Manaker [(Not so) Secretly not a Squad] 1.0
Kara Fischer [Secretly Not Aramark] 1.0
Benjamin Oye 1.0
Sydney Purdue [BRECK'S NOT DEAD] 1.0
Tomer Greenberg [Crown House Blood House] 1.0