Mission Attendance

Mission Description

The humans have a large safe zone in the center circle of the quad encompassing everything inside of the main circular walkway. The safe zone has also been marked with cones. The safe zone functions exactly like a normal safe zone. However, to keep the safe zone up, there are four generators outside of the safe zone. The generators are represented by moderators holding up glowsticks. If a zombie tags one of the generators, the generator permanently turns off and the moderator will remove the glowstick. If the zombies take down all of the generators, the safe zone will end and the quad will be unsafe until the timer expires. When the zombies reach the main quad, a 14 minute timer will begin counting down. If the humans hold the safe zone until the timer expires, i.e. the requisite number of generators still stand, you win the mission. After the timer reaches zero, there will be a campus wide safe zone and debrief will happen on the middle of the main quad. IF THE ZOMBIES TAKE DOWN THE SAFE ZONE, EVEN THOUGH THEY HAVE WON, THE CAMPUS WIDE SAFE ZONE WILL STILL NOT GO INTO EFFECT UNTIL THE TIMER REACHES ZERO. Zombie respawn timer will be three minutes.

Mon Hum Attendance Points Received
Adam Black 1.0
aidan sadowski [Simulacrum Squad] 1.0
Abraham Secular 1.0
Amanda Wiesler [The Arley D. Cathey Commemorative Squadron] 1.0
Cindy Chung [Panda Rabbit] 1.0
Connor Pfister [420BlazeIt360NoScope] 1.0
Corbin Allardice [The Arley D. Cathey Commemorative Squadron] 1.0
Daniel Kassler 1.0
Eric Antley [Simulacrum Squad] 1.0
Elizabeth Franson 1.0
Gerardo Alcantara [hol up we dem boyz] 1.0
Erin Glynn [Secretly Not a Squad] 1.0
Armando Martinez [Talbot House Live] 1.0
Holly Kassner [BIG DAMN HEROES] 1.0
Joseph Cariz [Simulacrum Squad] 1.0
Joshua Wakefield 1.0
Wesley Jones 1.0
Justin Lang [BIG DAMN HEROES] 1.0
Michael Unnold 1.0
Michelle Ross [420BlazeIt360NoScope] 1.0
Marcelo Castillo [hol up we dem boyz] 1.0
Michael Pardo [Men's Ultimate] 1.0
Peter Huang [BIG DAMN HEROES] 1.0
Geoffrey Ramseyer [Unprovoked Retaliation] 1.0
Reem Elorbany [The Arley D. Cathey Commemorative Squadron] 1.0
Rachel Taub [Simulacrum Squad] 1.0
Terry Ming 1.0
William Craft 1.0
Zachry Wang [Panda Rabbit] 1.0
Mon Zom Attendance Points Received
Alicia Zhao [The Wrong Numbas] 1.0
Arielle Gerber [Maylitia] 1.0
Aliyah Bixby-Driesen [1066: The Norman Invasion] 1.0
Anna Atkeson [The Arley D. Cathey Commemorative Squadron] 1.0
Alexandra Robledo [Talbot House Live] 1.0
Bennet Karel [hol up we dem boyz] 1.0
Benjamin Herrera [Talbot House Live] 1.0
Xinxin Du 1.0
Carolina Montes 1.0
Darwin Bodero 1.0
Eric Cormack 1.0
Emily Feeley [BIG DAMN HEROES] 1.0
Eliza Passell 1.0
Edward Warden [BIG DAMN HEROES] 1.0
Gwen Eidsmoe [420BlazeIt360NoScope] 1.0
Hadi Iskandarani [ ] 1.0
Jonathan Haglund 1.0
Nicholas Howlett [420BlazeIt360NoScope] 1.0
Carolyn Hruban [420BlazeIt360NoScope] 1.0
Isaiah Newman [BIG DAMN HEROES] 1.0
Ivy Sandquist 1.0
Jeffrey Nocton 1.0
Jamie Keener [Maylitia] 1.0
Stella Biderman [420BlazeIt360NoScope] 1.0
Victoria Grose 1.0
Katherine Wheeler [Team Rhinovirus ] 1.0
Lavina Li 1.0
Leah Gimbel 1.0
Michelle Jiang [BIG DAMN HEROES] 1.0
Mary Urban 1.0
Marley-Vincent Lindsey 1.0
Michael Weinrib 1.0
Neil Miller 1.0
Nichole Pedro 1.0
Rileigh Luczak 1.0
Scully Hsu 1.0
Andrew Stockburger [youtu.be/q6EoRBvdVPQ] 1.0
Timothy Hofmockel [1066: The Norman Invasion] 1.0
Yida Cai 1.0
Mon Zom Win Points Received
Alicia Zhao [The Wrong Numbas] 2.0
Adam Black 2.0
Arielle Gerber [Maylitia] 2.0
Aliyah Bixby-Driesen [1066: The Norman Invasion] 2.0
Anna Atkeson [The Arley D. Cathey Commemorative Squadron] 2.0
Alexandra Robledo [Talbot House Live] 2.0
Abraham Secular 2.0
Bennet Karel [hol up we dem boyz] 2.0
Xinxin Du 2.0
Carolina Montes 2.0
Darwin Bodero 2.0
Daniel Kassler 2.0
Eric Cormack 2.0
Emily Feeley [BIG DAMN HEROES] 2.0
Eliza Passell 2.0
Edward Warden [BIG DAMN HEROES] 2.0
Gwen Eidsmoe [420BlazeIt360NoScope] 2.0
Hadi Iskandarani [ ] 2.0
Jonathan Haglund 2.0
Nicholas Howlett [420BlazeIt360NoScope] 2.0
Carolyn Hruban [420BlazeIt360NoScope] 2.0
Isaiah Newman [BIG DAMN HEROES] 2.0
Ivy Sandquist 2.0
Jeffrey Nocton 2.0
Jamie Keener [Maylitia] 2.0
Stella Biderman [420BlazeIt360NoScope] 2.0
Victoria Grose 2.0
Wesley Jones 2.0
Katherine Wheeler [Team Rhinovirus ] 2.0
Lavina Li 2.0
Leah Gimbel 2.0
Michelle Jiang [BIG DAMN HEROES] 2.0
Michelle Ross [420BlazeIt360NoScope] 2.0
Mary Urban 2.0
Marley-Vincent Lindsey 2.0
Michael Weinrib 2.0
Neil Miller 2.0
Nichole Pedro 2.0
Reem Elorbany [The Arley D. Cathey Commemorative Squadron] 2.0
Rileigh Luczak 2.0
Scully Hsu 2.0
Andrew Stockburger [youtu.be/q6EoRBvdVPQ] 2.0
Timothy Hofmockel [1066: The Norman Invasion] 2.0
Terry Ming 2.0
Yida Cai 2.0