Mission Attendance

Mission Description

The Selfie Mission: Each day, each human or group of humans may submit one selfie of yourself with a zombie or group of zombies (stunned or not) in any unsafe area. Submit selfies to [email protected] along with your cnetID to receive points. You will receive a point for each day you submit a selfie. Most Wanted Mission: Zombies can accrue HEINOUS DEEDS for each selfie they take, each kill they get, and each mission they attend. Every day at 9am and again at 3pm, the Zombies with the highest number of HEINOUS DEEDS become the MOST WANTED zombies and their pictures and Bite Codes will be featured on the website. Any humans that selfie with a MOST WANTED zombie will receive a bonus point on their selfie and the zombie’s HEINOUS DEEDS will be reset to 0 at the next posting. When they leave the MOST WANTED list, if a zombie has gotten a kill, they receive a bonus point. <ZOMBIE WEEKLONG MISSION>