College: Common Year
Human Points
5.5 (#11 of 306)
Killed by
Kevin Peterson [The Ent is Nigh] on Oct. 8, 2015 11:56 AM
1 days, 15 hours, 56 minutes, 19 seconds
Zombie Points
10.0 (#25 of 300)
Points For
1 Kill: Darwin Bodero on Oct. 8, 2015 7:29 PM
1 Kill: Jacob Manaker [Secretly Not a Squad] on Oct. 8, 2015 2:06 PM
1 Kill: Ilias Bowen-Sicalides on Oct. 8, 2015 11:58 AM
0.25 Wed 12pm Linne
0.25 Wed 12pm Booth
0.25 Wed 12pm Cummings
0.25 Wed 12pm Court Theatre
0.25 Wed 2pm Saieh
0.25 Wed 2 pm Classics Archway
0.25 Wed 2pm SnitchRock
0.25 Wed 2 pm Harris
0.25 Wed 4 pm Bond
0.25 Wed 4 pm BJ
1.0 Wed Selfie w/ Zombies
0.25 Wed 4 pm Quad Club
0.25 Wed 4 pm Ratner
3.0 Thursday zombie weeklong participation+win
0.25 Wed 6 pm Cobb
0.25 Wed 6 pm The Reg
1.0 Wed Human Weeklong
3.0 Friday Zombie Attendance + Win
1.0 Friday Zombie Tryskola

Kills geotagged kills only

Kill Tree