Off campus
College: Mathematics
Human Points
5.75 (#9 of 306)
Killed by
Spencer Miner on Oct. 8, 2015 11:26 AM
1 days, 15 hours, 26 minutes, 41 seconds
Zombie Points
23.0 (#6 of 300)
Points For
1 Kill: Patrick O'Connor [Dead-Mead] on Oct. 12, 2015 7:18 PM
1 Kill: Ian Chronis [The Ent is Nigh] on Oct. 9, 2015 7:20 PM
1 Kill: Pedro Juarez on Oct. 9, 2015 7:20 PM
1 Kill: Lauren Nelson on Oct. 9, 2015 7:06 PM
1 Kill: Elinore McLain [Secretly Not a Squad] on Oct. 8, 2015 7:20 PM
1 Kill: Chieh Ming Hsu on Oct. 8, 2015 4:57 PM
1 Kill: Caroline Hutton on Oct. 8, 2015 3:10 PM
1 Kill: Noah Martinez [HADI] on Oct. 8, 2015 12:38 PM
0.25 Wed 4 pm Bond
0.25 Wed 12pm Booth
0.25 Wed 12pm Linne
0.25 Wed 12pm Cummings
0.25 Wed 2pm SnitchRock
0.25 Wed 12pm Court Theatre
0.25 Wed 2 pm Classics Archway
0.25 Wed 2 pm Harris
0.25 Wed 4 pm BJ
0.25 Wed 2pm Saieh
1.0 Wed Selfie w/ Zombies
0.25 Wed 4 pm Quad Club
0.25 Wed 4 pm Ratner
3.0 Thursday zombie weeklong participation+win
0.25 Wed 6 pm Cobb
0.25 Wed 6 pm Rockefeller
0.25 Wed 6 pm The Reg
1.0 Wednesday Zombie Weeklong
1.0 Wed Human Weeklong
3.0 Friday Zombie Attendance + Win
1.0 Friday Zombie Tryskola
1.0 Sat Trys Zom
1.0 Sun Zom Try
3.0 Monday Zombie Participation and Win
1.0 Mon Zom Try
1.0 Thursday Zombie Tryskolae

Kills geotagged kills only

Kill Tree