North Campus
Common Year
Human Points
3.7501 (#37 of 121)
Killed by
Patricia Zito on Feb. 28, 2019 6:02 PM
1 days, 21 hours, 47 minutes, 9 seconds
Zombie Points
16.0 (#8 of 99)
Points For
1 Kill: Matthew Riccardi [Yuemans] on March 4, 2019 1:42 PM
1 Kill: Phoebe Kyritsis on March 3, 2019 9:25 PM
1 Kill: Molly Fortnow [Yuemans] on March 3, 2019 1:54 PM
1 Kill: Max Marcussen [Yuemans] on March 1, 2019 12:24 PM
1.0 Tuesday Zombie Selfie Misison
0.25 Wednesday 4:00 Flag Ida Noyes
0.25 Wednesday 4:00 Flag Booth
0.25 Wednesday 4:00 Flag Rockefeller
0.25 Wednesday 4:00 Flag Oriental Institute
4.0 Monday Mission Zombies Win
1.0 Monday Zombie Selfie Mission
0.0001 Secret Flag
1.0 Saturday Zombie Selfie Mission
4.0 Friday Zombie Mission Participation and Win
1.0 Friday Zombie Selfie Mission
0.25 Wednesday 2:00 Flag The Reg
0.25 Wednesday 2:00 Flag Nuclear Energy Statue
0.25 Wednesday 2:00 Flag Crown
0.25 Wednesday 2:00 Flag Smart Museum
0.25 Wednesday 12:00 Flag Kent
0.25 Wednesday 12:00 Flag Reynolds Courtyard
0.25 Wednesday 12:00 Flag Foster
0.5 Tuesday KPTC Flag
0.5 Tuesday Swift Flag

Kills geotagged kills only

Kill Tree