Please contact a game moderator if you have any questions or concerns.

President Noah Klowden [email protected]  
Vice-President Christos Menemenlis [email protected]  
Treasurer Aaron Presser [email protected]  
Moderator Supreme Layla Lukaj [email protected]  
Moderator Yuk Sum Chan [email protected]  
Moderator Parker Johnson [email protected]  
Moderator Avery Fischer [email protected]  
Moderator Lila Melkumova [email protected]  
Moderator Dylan Pausch [email protected]  
Moderator Ise Herrara-Pret [email protected]  
Non a mod, does PR Eleni Lefakis [email protected]  

To contact all moderators at once, send an email to [email protected].

For bug reports and any other urgent inquiries regarding the functionality of this website during gameplay, please email [email protected].